This post is part of a series about the new enrichment facility at Socionet.
RePEc users can use now some new tools and services, which forms together following ecosystem:
A. If a user is logged into the Socionet system, which processes whole RePEc dataset, the user can create different types of semantic linkages between papers, personal profiles, etc. This new users’ facility is illustrated by following main use cases:
1. A user can specify the roles of their co-authorship in the making of a collective paper.
2. A user can annotate text fragments of a paper’s abstract to provide readers with additional and/or newer information on the topic.
3. A user can link their papers together, e.g. to provide information about its open access or newest versions; and to show to readers an evolution of ideas or a development of approaches through a set of own papers.
4. A user can contribute data on how the works referenced in their paper are used.
5. A user can share their professional opinion, or make recommendations, comments about relationships between their papers and the one that is currently browsed.
B. All user-created outgoing and ingoing semantic linkages are visualized on the paper page together with initial metadata of the paper.
C. All created semantic linkages are processed by the Socionet system on the everyday base to collect statistical data and to build different scientometric indicators. For personal and organizational profiles the statistics are aggregated by links between OrgUnit <-> Person <-> Paper. Such indicators are available for every paper (example), personal (example) or organizational (example) profile. And also for every RePEc archive and series.
D. The community of RePEc user can create new and develop already existed taxonomy of scientific relationships which are used in tools to create semantic linkages. The same they can propose new use cases of using this technique over RePEc dataset. Please send such proposals to me or leave it in comments.
E. The registered users can switch on the e-mail notification service, which will inform them when someone creates/modifies a semantic linkage with their papers, or when someone is changing papers that the user linked together, and so on.
F. Developers of RePEc services can harvest and use the data of all created semantic linkages. The data are freely available by three ways: 1) by FTP from the Socionet server; 2) by OAI-PMH protocol with CERIF output format; 3) by REST API in XML form.
Filed under: Use of RePEc data