This post is part of an ongoing series on the enrichment facility at Socionet.
The Socionet system uses the CitEc data about citations and similar internal data. When the citation data for a paper is available, Socionet displays a reference list for the currently browsed paper. The list is limited to publications that are available at RePEc or at Socionet. This list may look like this
In the list there may be two sections: a) referenced papers claimed as own by author(s) of this paper; b) papers of other authors or unclaimed papers.
If you are logged into the system and browsed one of your papers, on the right you will see a link “[+]” for each reference. This link opens the form to specify your motives of using the paper you referenced
This form is the same as in other enrichment use cases. The difference is the taxonomy available for you in the “Relationship type” drop-down menu. For this specific use case the taxonomy supports relationships of development and complement between two papers, which was used in the papers’ abstract annotation use case and has following values:
uses data from
uses method from
uses a model from
uses software from
uses statistics from
details idea/method/model from
generalizes idea/method/model from
implements idea/method/model from
analyzes results from
illustrates results from
interprets results from
corrects errors in
refines results from
refutes results from
develops results from
After making such enrichment the reference list of a publication may look for readers like this
The data added by the author about citation motivations is highlighted by yellow-color background as seen above. Pointing a mouse on it, you may see a pop-up comment if it was provided. The link allows viewing detailed data about the linkage that was created in this case.
Filed under: Use of RePEc data