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How to log into the Socionet system to test enrichment facilities


In a previous note I described use cases of publication enrichment and gave information how to find out your publications at Socionet experiment with this new service. The following note provides instructions on how to log into the system.

When you browse publications at Socionet you may see in its menu the following option: “Unknown user – please login”. This appears any time you are not logged in to your account.

befor log in

If you have an account at RePEc Author Service (or at Socionet Personal Zone) you can click on “please login”. Then you get to a login page. It has a form for RePEc users, as shown below. Here you enter your Short-ID provided for you by the RePEc Author Service.

auth page

After pressing the button “Log in through…” you will be moved on the RePEc Author Service identification form.


If you log in there, with your RAS login/password, you will be brought back on the initial page describing a publication. As a confirmation that you have logged in you will see in the publication menu the following information

or if the system recognized that the browsed publication is yours (i.e. it is linked to your personal profile) you will see this

When you are thus logged in as a RAS user at Socionet you can create an unlimited number of enrichments (linkages and annotations) for any publication available at RePEc and Socionet. All the data you create are saved by default into your personal storage on the Socionet server. You can check your current stored content by clicking on “Created linkages”  in the services menu as seen above. If there is at least one created linkage you will see a table like this.

Titles of linkages in this list are generated by software and consist of handles of the linked objects and the specified semantic. You can delete linkages by using check boxes on the right. Once a day (each night by Moscow time) the system synchronizes the current content of this storage with the public data base of Socionet. So if you create new linkages (or delete existed) they will (dis)appear on pages of enriched publications after night updating procedures. Usually it is finished about 8-9 am of Moscow time.

The Socionet administrators – currently it is just me – receive notifications about newly created personal storages. They make a decision about switching on its harvesting to the public Socionet database. In a case of non-proper user behavior the administrators can stop publishing our personal storage in the public site and they can delete your data from the public system.

Filed under: RePEc features, Use of RePEc data

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